business valuation
Things To Know Before Doing A Business Valuation

What is a business valuation? To Simply put, business valuation is a process and a series of procedures required to determine the total value of a business. While this may sound simple, executing your business valuation done right requires thought

essential invoice elements
16 Must Have Elements Your Tax Invoice Should Have

Introduction to Invoices: Commercial operations cannot be run in India without provision of a tax invoice. An invoice is a proof of sale and contains a few particulars that identify the product sold, taxes involved, states of production and consumption,

Zaperp is best alternative to tradegecko
Zaperp Inventory: The best alternative to TradeGecko 

We understand that you are now feeling that Tradegecko is not the right business tool for you, well, you thought it and we heard it. Let us tell you 5 reasons why you should shift from TradeGecko to ZapERP right

business valuation
What is Business Valuation and When do Businesses Need it?

A business valuation indicates the economic value of a business or in simple terms, its market worth. Usually, business valuation is a preferred tool for measuring a company’s value when there is a sale, liquidation or merger taking place.  There

accounting software
Why is it Essential to have a Right Accounting Software for your Business?

What is Accounting? Accounting is a complete record of all the financial transactions of the business. Most business owners concentrate on developing their business, therefore, letting the accounting functions slide. This is where an accounting software helps you keep accurate

Why is it Essential to have a Right Time Tracking Software for your Business?

Time is the key to an effective business!! Every business needs to time its operations to achieve its maximum efficiency and results. Time tracking software helps in making this efficacy.  Time tracking gives insight into the productivity and the workflow

real estate software
How ZapERP Can Help You Manage Real Estate

Run a property management company and looking for an efficient and quick solution to all your billing and invoicing needs? Then ZapERP is your solution, moreover, ZapERP comes with a host of great new features that allow its users to

improve cash flow
8 ways to increase cash flow in your business

Cash flow for any business is the money that is moving (flowing) in and out of your business in a month. Although it does seem sometimes that cash flow only goes one way – out of the business – it

productivity tips
14 Productivity Tips For Small Business Owners To Get More Work Done

A small business owner is on the constant run to better their business and secure a profitable run along that line. As a great man once said, “if you know to prioritize your needs, success is just a step away.” 

8 Invoicing Tips For Small Business Owners

Every small business faces a challenge of getting their payments on time from clients.  As most of the entrepreneurs or small business owners are new to the field of their business, they often lag behind and are unable to track

social proof
Why Does Your Business Need Social Proof Marketing? And 8 Ways You Can Get It

Plenty of startups and established businesses ask themselves daily – ‘there’s so much noise and competition out there, just how can I gain the attention of new, potential buyers?’ Your startup might have an amazing product alongside a great website.

9 Mobile Apps Every Business Owners Must Have In Their Phone

  Nowadays there are a lot of startups and entrepreneurs exploring the field of business. Today’s generation of entrepreneurs is tech-savvy people who are very comfortable in the zone of cyberspace and its endless applications. Often small business owners find